Instructor Trainers

Instructor Trainers (‘Trainers’) are certified to teach at all authorized Carpentries Instructor Training workshops, onboarding new Instructors who may in turn become certified to teach Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, and Software Carpentry workshops. Trainers also play a role in the Instructor ‘checkout’ process, evaluating trainees’ teaching demonstrations. The Trainer community plays a leading role in The Carpentries, maintaining our flagship Instructor Training Curriculum, contributing to relevant policies, and bringing instructional practices to bear in leadership roles across our local and global communities.

Trainers benefit from being part of a global community of pedagogically trained professionals with a shared interest in promoting robust teaching practices and propagating data skills worldwide. Trainers continually build on their own pedagogical and communication skills through co-instruction and monthly community discussions about Instructor training. Trainers have opportunities to influence what we teach, through curriculum maintenance, and to steer the progress of this community, through leadership roles. Trainers often play leadership roles in their home communities, mentoring local Instructors, and modeling best practices.

Active Status Renewal Process

Version 1.0.1 – Approved 8 February, 2023

Active status for Instructor Trainers is renewed annually in March.

New Trainers who have not yet been certified for a full year and Trainers who have returned to Active status within the past year will automatically be renewed.

Active status may be renewed by either:
A) participating in curriculum and community activities during the prior year, as described below OR
B) meeting with the Director of Workshops and Training to catch up on curriculum and community changes and discuss plans for the coming year

Trainers who do not renew their Active status before the deadline will have their status changed to Alumni. Instructions for Alumni returning to Active status are detailed below.

In the case of option A, above, certification will be renewed automatically when records indicate that Trainers have completed all activities expected for Active Trainers, detailed below. If records are incomplete, Trainers may self-report their activities via a form. The Trainers Leadership Committee will review form responses and recommend either renewal or a meeting (option B) based on reported activities.

Participation Expectations for Active Instructor Trainers

In order to be renewed based on prior participation, a Trainer is expected to participate as follows during the 1 year period prior to renewal:

  • teach at least 1 Instructor Training event, and

  • host at least 2 teaching demos, and

  • attend at least 4 Trainer community meetings


  • equivalent engagement with curriculum, trainees, or the Trainer community, as approved by the Trainers Leadership Committee

As a general rule, equivalent activities must be self-reported via form submission. Trainers Leadership will provide guidance to help Trainers choose what to share in the form, and when to select a meeting instead.

Trainer Alumni Status

Active Trainers may elect to become inactive by requesting Trainer Alumni status at any time by contacting Alumni may also submit re-activation requests to the same address.

Trainer Alumni will not be allowed to:

  • serve in an Instructor role at Carpentries Instructor Training events

  • host teaching demonstrations

  • vote in Trainer community elections
    Exceptions may be made at the discretion of The Carpentries Core Team. To request permission to teach or host a demo, contact

Trainer Alumni may elect to:

  • continue to receive Topicbox Instructor Training emails & participate in conversations

  • continue to participate in the Slack private Trainers channel

  • receive an annual newsletter during agreement renewal with community updates and details on how to return to Active status

  • serve in a Helper role at Carpentries Instructor Training events

A Trainer who wishes to return to Active status will have a different path depending on the amount of time they’ve been inactive:

  • 0-12 months: meet with Director of Workshops and Training to catch up on latest news & discuss plans for re-activating

  • more than 12 months: review Trainer Training curriculum, observe part of an Instructor Training workshop, and meet with Director of Workshops and Training to catch up and discuss plans, including re-introduction to the Trainer community via meetings or other arrangements