GitHub Organisations Owned by The Carpentries
The Carpentries owns many GitHub organisations, used for individual lesson programs and Carpentries-wide work.
The Carpentries: The Carpentries website, instructor training curriculum, and other materials related to The Carpentries project as a whole.
Data Carpentry: Curricula and other materials related specifically to the Data Carpentry lesson program.
Library Carpentry: Curricula and other materials related specifically to the Library Carpentry lesson program.
Software Carpentry: Curricula and other materials related specifically to the Software Carpentry lesson program.
The Carpentries - Spanish Translations: Spanish language lesson transitions that are in development or have been archived. Active lesson translations can be found in the respective lesson program’s repo.
Reproducible Science Curriculum: Hosts lessons that started as an independent project from Data Carpentry. These lessons are not actively developed or taught.
CarpentryCon Planning for the bi-annual CarpentryCon event.
CarpentryConnect Planning local and regional Carpentries events.
carpentries-workshops: Future home for workshop website repos (which will include an automated build process).
data-lessons: Community developed lessons in various stages of development.
The Carpentries Lab: Future home of peer-reviewed community developed lessons that follow the format of The Carpentries.
carpentries-incubator: A designated space for community members to develop lessons collaboratively. A central location for lesson development that isn’t tied to individual user accounts.
Past Organisations
Occasionally, our GitHub organisations are moved, merged, or split.
carpentrieslab: Former home of peer-reviewed community developed lessons. Replaced by carpentries-lab.