Forking a Workbench Lesson Repository#

Follow these steps to help you get setup when you fork a lesson repository on GitHub that is using The Carpentries Workbench.

  1. Enable the GitHub Actions workflows

  2. Activate GitHub Pages

  3. Configure Maintenance Workflows

  4. Getting Help

Enable the GitHub Actions workflows#

Actions are disabled by default in forked repositories. If you want a lesson website to be built from the files in your fork, you will need to activate them. You must do this before activating GitHub Pages on the repository.

  1. To enable GitHub Actions on, navigate to the Actions tab of your repository. You should find a button saying “I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them”, which you can click. This should then display a page with the workflows for the repository listed on the left-hand side.

  2. Three of the workflows listed in that left sidebar are scheduled to run weekly, and will still be disabled. To enable lesson website builds, select the workflow called 01 Build and Deploy Site and then Enable workflow near the top right of the window.

  3. To run the lesson site build workflow for the first time, select the Run workflow drpdown (where the Enable workflow button was in step 2) and then the Run workflow button. The build process will take a few minutes, after which the gh-pages branch of your repository will be created/updated to contain the latest version of the lesson website. You can now activate GitHub Pages to serve the files in that branch to the internet.

  4. If you want to configure the weekly workflow runs that can automatically open pull requests to update the lesson infrastructure and package cache (R Markdown lessons only), you should repeat step 2 above for the two other disabled workflows, called 02 Maintain: Update Workflow Files and 03 Maintain: Update Package Cache. After those workflows have been activated, you will need to complete some additional configuration, described below, before they will run successfully.

Activate GitHub Pages#

After you have activated your GitHub Actions workflows (see above) you can set up GitHub Pages to serve your lesson site from your repository’s gh-pages branch.

  1. Open the Settings tab of your lesson repository, then navigate to Pages under Code and automation in the left sidebar.

  2. Under Build and deployment, keep Deploy from a branch selected, and choose gh-pages from the dropdown menu under Branch.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Return to the front page (Code tab) of your lesson repository, and select the gear wheel symbol at the top right of the About section. Check the Use your GitHub Pages website box, to display the URL of the lesson website built from your fork.

Configure Maintenance Workflows#

When configured appropriately, the two maintenance workflows, 02 Maintain: Update Workflow Files and 03 Maintain: Update Package Cache, can create pull requests on your repository to keep the lesson infrastructure and (if your lesson uses R Markdown source files) the packages used in the lesson up to date as new versions are released. For this to work, you need to create an access token that will allow the workflows to open pull requests on your behalf.

  1. Open settings/tokens and enter the name Sandpaper Token (<your github repository name>) for your token, e.g. Sandpaper Token (carpentries/lesson-development-training)

  2. Choose a lifespan for the token. For security, we recommend that you do not choose No expiration. But if you follow the step below the token can only be used to perform a very limited number of tasks on your repository, so you do not necessarily need to choose a very short lifespan either.

  3. Under Select scopes, check the box for the workflow scope. (This will cause all of the repo scopes to also be checked.)

  4. Select Generate token.

  5. Your new personal access token will be displayed, with a button next to it that can be used to copy the token to your clipboard. Copy the token and return to the Settings tab of your lesson repository. Under Security in the left sidebar, open the Secrets and variables dropdown and choose Actions.

  6. Enter SANDPAPER_WORKFLOW as the name, and paste your token into the Value field.

  7. Select Add secret to complete the configuration.

Getting Help#

If you run into trouble with any of these steps, you can ask for help by:

To help others troubleshoot your issue, please include a URL to your forked repository in your message.