Curriculum Resources#

  • Carpentries Curriculum Structure: An overview of how lessons and curricula are organised in The Carpentries.

  • Curriculum Overview Pages: Learn about how and why to create a lesson site as a “front page” to a curriculum that combines multiple lessons.

  • The Life Cycle of Lessons: A description of the “life cycle” model we use to describe the maturity of lessons under development, and a list of resources and activities that can be helpful at each stage of the process.

  • Forking a Lesson Repository: Guidance on how to set up your own fork of a Carpentries Workbench lesson repository.

  • Building on Somebody Else’s Existing Branch: Guidance for how to start working on a branch that somebody else created (e.g. for an unfinished pull request).

  • Releasing a Lesson: A description of how to prepare a lesson release and publish it to Zenodo.

  • Lesson Development Roles: Learn about the different roles that people can take up during the lesson development process, why they are important, and what resources are available to support them.

  • Lesson Pilot Workshops: Information about why and how we test new lessons in workshops, including guidance and templates for hosts and instructors of pilot workshops to use.

  • Lesson Sprint Recommendations: A collection of recommendations for community members who want to organise events dedicated to the development and improvement of a lesson. Includes lists of things to consider doing before, during, and after a development sprint, and tools and other resources to support its success.

  • Curriculum Onboarding Materials: Guidance for developing materials that will help instructors prepare to teach your new lesson or curriculum.

  • Lesson Programs: Information about the role Lesson Programs take within The Carpentries, how these projects are hosted by the organisation, and the process a project can go through to join The Carpentries as a new Lesson Program.

  • Lesson Program Policy: Information about how The Carpentries Lesson Programs should be governed.